Transparency is our priority, explore key procurement announcements, audit selections, and detailed purchase lists reflecting our commitment to open operations

Announcement of the procedure for selecting an audit organization to provide audit services for conducting the audit of individual financial statements of Kazrosgas LLP for 2024
Announcement of the procedure for selecting an audit organization to provide audit services for conducting the audit of individual financial statements of Kazrosgas LLP for 2023.
Announcement of the procedure for selecting an audit organization to provide audit services for conducting the audit of individual financial statements of Kazrosgas LLP for 2022 (2nd half of the year)
Off-System Purchases
List of long-term purchases of goods, works and services carried out outside the information system of JSC "NWF "Samruk-Kazyna" for 2025-2027
List of purchases of goods, works and services carried out outside the information system of JSC "NWF" Samruk-Kazyna "for 2024
List of purchases of goods, works and services carried out outside the information system of JSC "NWF" Samruk-Kazyna "for 2023
KazRosGas LLP was established to effectively implement the provisions of the November 28, 2001, Agreement on gas industry cooperation between the governments of Kazakhstan and Russia.

contact us
- +7 981 275 71 73
- [email protected]
Kazakhstan, 050040 (A15G7M6), Almaty, Baizakov Street, 280 South Tower, 22nd Floor
2025@exsy design
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